Make a Word Game

This post includes a free printable!

In order to create this fun word game, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Our printable template
  • Scissors
  • A stapler
  • A marker
  • Colorful cards or paper

In this activity we will be creating a fun printable game with the kids.

Firstly, print out the sheet. Next, cut the word cards our of the sheet, then fold the colorful cards or paper as shown in the video so that you can turn them like pages of a small book. Now staple the paper to the allotted area on the word cards. Finally, write different letters that make up words. Thinking of what words you can write are half the fun….! Then play allowing your child to read out each word created by the different letters.

That’s it!
Have fun!

20 connect-the-dots- sheets - learn to count from 1 to 15
Reggie's World Vol 1

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