It’s time for our weekly list of 10 Happy Moments sent to us by parents all around the world.
Life can get pretty crazy, but don’t forget to notice those small moments of parental joy!
1. The way my child looks at me after creating a mess.
2. For my birthday last week, my little guy wrapped plain toilet paper tubes and a piece of a black pipe and put it in the treasure box he made for me on Mother’s Day! Sweetest…
3. Enjoying the local botanic gardens and statues with our son. The excitement for each new discovery was beautiful.
4. Hugs and kisses in the morning.
5. I was recently poorly and my children made me a picture and card telling me how much they love me.
6. I went for a walk with my oldest daughter after a heavy rain. Wearing our rubber boots, we went in search of puddles and jumped in every single one. Pure, simple fun.
7. Walking up a mountain with my boys!!
8. Watching my 5 year old try to read a story to my 3 yr old. Very cute!!
9. Having my son snuggle up next to me to read a book
10. Singing songs with my 9 month boy and my daughter joins in with her ‘baby’.
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